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Marketing in Person

Once your business is registered within the System for Award Management (SAM) and they have started marketing itself, it is time to attend events or set up meetings to introduce yourself to government buyers.

It is important that before meeting with these federal buyers you are prepared and have strategies in place to propel yourself to the top.

Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short presentation that explains your business in less than a minute. This pitch is designed to quickly introduce your company by explaining who they are and what they do. Elevator pitches must have your business stand out when speaking to contractors.

Capability Statement

A capability statement is your business’s resume. This document will display pertinent t information about your business as a government contractor.

Within the capability statement, you should include the following information:

  • Unique Entity Identifier Number (UEI),
  • Commercial and Govenrmetn Entity (CAGE) code,
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes,
  • Any certifications and general business qualifications, and
  • Point of contact information so they can reach out to a qualified representative of your company

Businesses are also encouraged to provide any past performance, such as any awarded federal, state, or local contracts or significant subcontracting awards they were a part of.

Be Focused and Brief

Make sure you keep every interaction brief and do not talk for a while. Some business owners tend to speak for a long time about their business.

After a few minutes of discussing your company, the contracting officer will either be interested in your services or looking to end the conversation.

Be brief and to the point. If your pitch is good, a potential buyer will ask questions and want to know more about your business.

Know your Audience

Depending on the type of event you are attending you will get a better idea of what you should push in your presentation. That is why it is important to mention your federal set-asides and at least three key products or services your business sells.

Problems and Challenges Your Business Solves

Before the event, prepare a few questions that someone could ask you and make sure you have the answers that provide solutions for their daily issues. It is important that what you are selling can fix their common problems. It is also recommended that you explain or show how your business is needed to expound upon its worth within the federal sector.

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